Scholarships and Loans

Educational Loan Guidance

As a student pursuing higher education you can apply for tuition fee and maintenance loans to pay for course fees and living costs from banks. Depending on where you live, where you want to study and your personal circumstances, you may be eligible for grants and bursaries, too. We offer tailored support to each student and provide advise on how to apply for loans and help with eligibility check.


Any hesitation about studying abroad is typically related to the cost. However, what most students don’t know is that there are a number of scholarships available for students. A study abroad scholarship is a monetary award for students to use toward the expenses of their program such as travel, course, credits, books and lodging. Students must apply for scholarships and some can be very competitive while others are underutilized. At DHR Consultants we will direct you to the right scholarship and support you to apply for it.

There are several types of study abroad scholarships to apply for such as:

Merit-based: These awards are based on a student’s academic, artistic, athletic or other abilities, and often factor in an applicant’s extracurricular activities and community service record. It’s important to note that qualifications will vary based on the particular scholarship.

Student-specific: These are scholarships for applicants who initially qualify based on factors such as gender, race, religion, family and medical history, or many other student-specific factors. Minority scholarships are the most common awards in this category, but qualifications will vary based on the particular scholarship.

Destination-specific: These are scholarships awarded by a country to students planning to pursue a study abroad program in that particular country. They are awarded as an incentive to study in that country instead of elsewhere.

Program-specific: Program-specific scholarships are offered by individual study abroad programs and/or the colleges and universities where they may be associated to qualified applicants. These scholarships are often given on the basis of academic and personal achievement, but qualifications will vary based on the particular scholarship.

Subject-specific: Subject-specific scholarships are awarded by study abroad programs or institutions to students based on their particular major or field of study. These scholarships may require the recipients to enrol in subject-specific courses while abroad or conduct subject-specific research while abroad, but it’s important to note that qualifications will vary based on each scholarship.


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